
Jane Rene Knudsen

Vice President - DSV Air & Sea, Inc.

Why did you become an ambassador for Invest in Aalborg?

- Being born and raised in Aalborg, and although my job has taken me abroad, it is very natural for me to still have an interest in the development and promotion of Aalborg.

- My first job was with a local shipping company located then on the harbor front of Aalborg, and it has been fascinating to watch the transformation of not only Aalborg's inner city harbor, but also the ”East harbor” and needless to say Aalborg’s overall transformation.

- I would like to be a small part of ensuring that the qualities Aalborg has to offer, are spread further internationally

How do you see Aalborg's potential as a business city?

- Aalborg has come a long way in recent years, however, the potential is still massive.

- The University of Aalborg, the airport and port(s), along with business-friendly local governments, are making Aalborg and surrounding areas, very attractive to new companies and investments in general.

- That message and the city needs further international profiling, and the Ambassador Corps under Invest in Aalborg, can and will play a role in that.


Invest in Aalborg Ambassadors

To extend our network and business relations globally, Invest in Aalborg has appointed a number of Ambassadors. They are all profoundly dedicated and based in Aalborg. At the same time they and their businesses embrace global relations.

Meet them all