Invest in Aalborg Ambassadors
Meet the Dream TeamTo extend our network and business relations globally, Invest in Aalborg has appointed a number of Ambassadors. They are all profoundly dedicated to Aalborg. At the same time they and their businesses embrace global relations.
Our present Ambassadors are:
Our present Ambassadors are:
- Jesper Høstgaard-Jensen, CTO – Aalborg Utilities
- Claus Falk, Chairman of Invest in Aalborg & Partner, CEO - Danphone
- Peter Balling, Angel Investor & Chairman of the Board, Partner, COO – Eco2Light
- Rikke Borup Holmgaard, CHRO - Norlys Energy Trading
- Lars Hedebrandt, Former Head of Corporate Banking - Danske Bank
- Lotte Skou, Head of Innovation and Newbizz - Danske Shopping Centre
- Jane Rygaard Pedersen, Head of Corporate Partnerships – NOKIA
- Rasmus Haugaard, Chairman of Erhverv Norddanmark (Chamber of Commerce) & Lawyer, Partner – Haugaard|Braad
- Tonny Skovsted Thorup , CEO – Destination NORD
- Lene Kirk, Owner - KIRK Gallery
- Thomas N. Christensen, Vice President Buildings and Regional Director Aalborg – COWI
- Morten Pedersen, President / Owner - Tech Viking, USA
- Nikolaj Ehlers, Ice Hockey Player - Winnipeg Jets, Canada
- Lasse Riis Østergaard, Associate Professor - Aalborg University
- Magnus Vagtborg, CEO - United Tax Network
- Niels Hemmingsen, CEO - Aalborg Airport
- Mette Bugge, Bestyrelsesleder - 4.juli komiteen
- Thomas Bælum, Partner - Kompetent Search A/S
- Mads Friis, Co-Founder & CCO - Blue World Technologies
- Mads Brøgger, SVP - Norlys Energi
- Grimur Lund, Board Professional, Investor & Co-Founder - Logimatic
- Henrik Lundum, CEO - NOVI Science Park
- Hans Elmegaard, CEO - Moddule
- Kristian Thulesen Dahl, CEO - Port of Aalborg
- Jan Rene Knudsen, Vice President - DSV Air & Sea, Inc.
- Allan Mørch, CEO & Founder - AskCody
Ambassadors put Aalborg on the Map
Ambassadors put Aalborg on the Map
The competition for investments, talents, and jobs is intense. From a global perspective, Aalborg is a very small player, and naturally, the resources available to promote the city are limited. Nevertheless, we are experiencing significant interest in Aalborg. Some of the reasons can be attributed to the local factors - the attractive location and geography. However, we also attribute part of the credit to the excellent "free" publicity from Aalborg's dedicated ambassador network.