“We have several talented energy companies and a university leading the way within green engineering“

Interview with Svante Bundgaard, CEO of Aalborg CSP


Aalborg equals Green Energy

Outside the Danish borders, Aalborg is a common name within the energy business - especially when it comes to green energy - and the company Aalborg CSP has contributed to this strong brand position.

When asked about the name of the company, CEO of Aalborg CSP, Svante Bundgaard answers.

- Our DNA is inextricably linked to the city. It is an energy focused city and a shipyard city. We have several talented energy companies and a university leading the way within green engineering. This naturally makes Aalborg a great place to run an energy business from.

- We are proud to be called Aalborg. Out in the world, people have a very positive view of the city.

- Part of the reason is, that we have a cluster of skilled companies based in Aalborg, some of which originates from Aalborg Boilers and Aalborg Shipyard, which, like us, had the city name directly linked with their identity.

Must be agile and ready for adjustment

CSP stands for Concentrated Solar Power, which refers to the specific solar power technology, where the sun's energy is reflected onto a fixed point and concentrated. CSP solutions used to be the main focus of Aalborg CSP – hence the company name; and solar energy was the key priority.

However, lately the vision has widened towards several different types of energy and now the company focuses on accelerating the world’s renewable energy transition by changing the way energy is both produced and stored.

- In general, we work with renewable energy technology in the form of boilers, solar, heat pumps and low and high temperature storage. Hence, we focus on renewable energy as a whole. We match individual energy needs with the right systems and technologies to design the most value-creating solution.


The broader and more holistic view on green energy has been implemented because of the direction of which the energy market is currently moving.

Aalborg CSP saw a gap in the market in relation to optimizing and integrating green energy solutions in the best possible way.

The many years of experience within energy systems and solutions now elevates the company as a unique partner within any power-to-x project (PTX) that might be requested.

“...Aalborg CSP is one of the actors, who can help tie things together and create the crucial sector couplings needed in order to succeed.“

- The world and the energy market have not yet found the decisive answer to the question of, how we become greener. In this huge green transition process, we are inventing and creating the energy system of the future and Aalborg CSP is one of the actors, who can help tie things together and create the crucial sector couplings needed in order to succeed.

- We need to widen the perspective on power-to-x. Rather than a one-sided focus on untried and untested technologies, we can turn our heads toward the sustainable solutions already available. PTXSALT and PTXHEAT are concepts already in action and commercially viable.

- Surplus heat can be transferred and stored in thermal pits or salt tanks and used whenever required. In that sense, we can offer a much-needed flexibility to a volatile energy system and more importantly, we can start today.

- If you look at the many of the CSP solutions we have implemented, there is always a charge and a discharge side: the capture of the green energy and the following distribution; and the way the energy is distributed is actually both extremely scalable and competitive.

- We must be very agile and be able to adjust at all times. therefore, we are actually indifferent to the specific technology. Our philosophy is that energy systems should be applied where they are needed. We must distribute and utilize the energy that is available to us - in the best possible way.



The brand of Aalborg is strengthening

- It is an exciting time that we are facing. There is a strong focus on our city and it amplifies our company brand as well. There are many places in the world where Aalborg based companies solve important issues in relation to energy. Many of our customers turn to us because of this strong green narrative.

The great connection between Aalborg and green energy is not due to the outside world's perception of the companies within the city, only. The location of the city also provides a natural collaboration across the northern region of Denmark, which creates the synergies and skills needed to make a difference.

- Collaboration is key in the north and in the areas where we are not experts, we hold strong competencies in collaborating with subcontractors and we often locate local partners who are able to deliver.


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Meet Søren Kuch Svenningsen

Investment Manager, Invest in Aalborg


Søren is your green point of contact and he can help you build a solid sustainable business case - utilizing the strong green forces within the North Danish region. Søren has an engineering background, which will secure you a solid technical foundation and understanding.  

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