Power Electronics in Aalborg

The success of the University-industry collaboration has put Aalborg on the map within Power Electronics.

Better, cheaper and more reliable

More of our energy in the future needs to come from electrical sources instead of fossil fuels. This requires all electronics to become better, cheaper, and even more reliable.

Aalborg has a strong position within Energy, but in the specific field of Power Electronics, Aalborg University is one of the top universities in the world.

Power Electronics process 80% of electricity generated and utilized today and are a critical part of the infrastructure toward the green transition.

Watch as world-renowned Professor in Power Electronics Frede Blaabjerg and CEO of IoT-company Xtellio, Tom Valbak Aardestrup talk about Aalborg and the opportunities here.

Aalborg University

Power Electronics and Global Energy Prize winner, Frede Blaabjerg

The field of power electronics is almost synonym with Aalborg University professor, Frede Blaabjerg. Besides being the worlds most cited researcher within engineering, Frede Blaabjerg is also leading the research mission, Energy Efficiency at Aalborg University.

The Energy Efficiency research mission is focused on meeting the global challenge of climate change. The vision is to utilize the current and the next generation technologies to transform unsustainable energy systems and energize a sustainable future. A prioritized focus in the mission is the enablement of green electrical power generation, distribution and usage.

Researchers at Aalborg University includes: Frede Blaabjerg, Lasse Rosendahl, Henrik Lund, Søren Knudsen Kær, Brian Vad Mathiesen, Mads Pagh Nielsen and Zhe Chen.


The University Research Groups commited to Electrification and Energy Integration are:


Norbis Park

A green living lab

The area around Nordjyllandsværket is being transformed into a massive test and demonstration center within green water and energy solutions of the future.

The area where the power plant is located, amounts to approx. 90 hectares and the city is preparing the area to house facilities for research, testing and development of new technologies.

One of the larger projects to be established at the site is a power-to-x plant, which is to produce green methanol made from captured CO2, green electricity and water. 

The ambition is to create a sustainable, vibrant environment with a focus on synergy, partnerships and resource sharing and the testing of new forms of energy, such as solar and wind energy, surplus heat, geothermal energy, fuel cells and heat pumps.

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Aalborg is a city in Denmark


Reasons to Invest

  • 400 companies within the energy sector.
  • 400 energy researchers at Aalborg University (AAU).
  • AAU ranks as the best university in Europe within Engineering.
  • AAU is world leading in the field of power electronics where Professor Frede Blaabjerg resides. He's the most cited researcher within engineering publications in the world.
  • World class researchers and companies within the production and application of methanol and fuel cells.
  • Home to Green Hub Denmark that provides green test facilities and access to a huge network across sectors.

The companies say:

Towards a greener future in Aalborg - Svanehøj

Over the past 100 years, Svanehøj has specialized and excelled in handling dangerous liquids and gases, as well as in producing the pumps needed for this purpose.
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Blue World Technologies in Aalborg

Blue World Technologies both produces and develops fuel cells, which are a green alternative to technologies based on fossil fuels, and they do it in a way that is profitable according to the CEO.
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Aalborg csp - Aalborg equals Green Energy

Outside the danish borders, the Aalborg city name is completely recognizable in the energy industry - especially in green energy and the company Aalborg CSP has contributed to this narrative.
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Meet Søren Kuch Svenningsen

Investment Manager, Invest in Aalborg


Søren is your green point of contact and he can help you build a solid sustainable business case - utilizing the strong green forces within the North Danish region. Søren has an engineering background, which will secure you a solid technical foundation and understanding.