Norbis – New Green Test Center in Aalborg

Rasmus Findahl ChristensenInvest in Aalborg

Norbis – New Green Test Center in AalborgInvestment Manager, Søren Kuch Svenningsen talks about the new green test center in Aalborg. Welcome to Norbis ParkTranscript from video:The world is changing and changing fast. In Aalborg we are phasing out coal and turning our district heating network completely fossil-free. At the same time, we are transforming the area around the old … Read More

New impressive hub ready to boost Innovation in Aalborg

Rasmus Findahl ChristensenInvest in Aalborg

New impressive hub ready to boost Innovation in AalborgInterview with Morten Dahlgaard, Deputy Director, Innovation at Aalborg University.AAU INNOVATE – Science & Innovation Hub is a new place for interdisciplinary research, innovation, entrepreneurship, talent and business development at Aalborg University. The vision is to foster innovation and entrepreneurship across disciplines and achieve new business ideas and products through creative collaboration … Read More

Impact of sports in Aalborg

Rasmus Findahl ChristensenInvest in Aalborg

The impact of sports in AalborgQuick tour around the sport clubs in the city with Investment Manager, Sørens Svenningsen When promoting our city, a rich sports and cultural community is an outstanding selling point ⭐ Through sports, we come together as a city and our sports institutions help bring attention and business to Aalborg.Represented at the highest national level in … Read More

New University Hospital in Aalborg

Rasmus Findahl ChristensenInvest in Aalborg

Life Science in Aalborg

New university hospital in AalborgInvestment Manager, Helena Peyron introduces Life Science in Aalborg at the new hospital So much is going on in the Life Science sector – right now in Aalborg – and the new hospital will be a focal point for MedTech and Life Science in the coming years. 🏣 When done, the site will have autonomous transport … Read More

Power-to-x in Aalborg

Rasmus Findahl ChristensenInvest in Aalborg

New Power-to-x Plant in AalborgInvestment Manager, Søren Kuch Svenningsen talks about the new PtX-plant in Aalborg and what it means for the city. The journey from grey to green Aalborg has come a long way from the image of a grey and weary city – to an international green hub for sustainable technologies. Many exiting things are happening in Aalborg … Read More

Aalborg Airport and SAS introduce a direct route to New York

Rasmus Findahl ChristensenInvest in Aalborg

Aalborg Airport and SAS introduce a direct route to New YorkInterview with Niels Hemmingsen, CEO at Aalborg Airport.Catharina Vinther Engqvist, Head of Foreign Direct Investments at Invest in Aalborg.Niels Hemmingsen, CEO at Aalborg Airport.Aalborg ready for take-off ✈ Together with SAS Airlines, Aalborg Airport has announced the opening of a new route from Aalborg to New York with three weekly … Read More